5 seats
150 km

Toyota Vios e 2019


Well mentain Cleaned Sanitized Lady owner

Extras & accessories

If you need more details about extras (e.g. delivery) please speak to the owner.

Vehicle owner

Maria Isabel Lagman
Maria Isabel Lagman
  • Offline

Pick-up location

Ampalaya Street, Marikina
Note: You will get the exact address once the booking is accepted by the owner.

Rental requirements

Driver license categories
B (passenger cars)
MILEAGE Allotment for SELF-DRIVE only: (A) Unlimited mileage - 3 days or more rental (B) 150km – Less than 24hrs rental (C) 300km/day – 24-48hrs rental Any excess will be charged Php 15 per 1km. Vehicle can be driven to anywhere in Luzon excluding FUEL Each vehicle is supplied with a half tank of fuel or at amount specified in the Vehicle Condition Form. It should be refilled at the renter’s expense upon return unless specified by owner. CLEANING FEE owner will provide you with a well maintained car. It has been cleaned inside-out for your comfort. Please keep it clean and well maintained. A minimum of Php500 cleaning fee will be charged if the car is returned dirty. IN CASE OF DAMAGE TO VEHICLE: For Self-drive, it is expected that the RENTER is fully responsible for the care of the rented vehicle. Renter must immediately report any damage or incident to owner and secure all the following documents. Renter will shoulder all expenses in case these documents are not secured. 1. Police report 2. Photocopy of driver's license of all involved parties, 3. Video recording or photo evidences Damages with car conduction plate shall be deducted from the R.I + 100% of the total parts replacement and 100% of the regular daily rate while vehicle is not available for repair renter is responsible for the damage. In case of loss or total damage to the said vehicle, the Renter shall shoulder 10% of the current market value and 50% of the daily rate for the number of days vehicle is not available, exclusive of the insurance liability within 7 days from date of accident / loss. Owner reserves the right to choose its accredited repair shop. INSURANCE EXCLUSIONS: The renter will be liable, however, for the full cost of damage if: (a) the car is driven in violation of the Rental Agreement; (b) for failure to submit a police report & a photocopy of the driver’s license & passport; (c) under-chassis & overhead damages; (d) if vehicles are driven on unsealed or unable roads or surfaces; (e) caused or traceable to natural calamities like typhoons, floods, earthquakes or volcanic eruptions, etc. PARKING & TOLL FEES / TRAFFIC & TOW FINES / FLAT TIRES WHILE ON RENTAL: Will be shouldered by the renter for self-drive agreement. LOST / DAMAGED KEYS: Renter's failure to return car keys in good condition is charged with a fee of Php 12,500.00. SMOKING: Although we respect each and every one's right, we would want to promote a healthy environment for all of our clients. The vehicle you have rented will be used by others who will appreciate that we keep it free of any harmful cigarette contaminants. Please do not smoke in the vehicle. Any evidence of smoking in the car will be charged Php 11,500.00. TERMS OF PAYMENT: owner accepts CASH/Online banking/Gcash. Other IDs might be required to show proof of identity. Rental fee is paid upon the start of the rental period. For each rental, 50% of total rent is collected to secure the reserved rental dates. This amount is deducted from the total amount of the rental fee. In case of a lease period of less than 6 months, the total rental fee shall be paid at the start of lease. For lease of more than 6 months, we require 2 months advance and 1 month deposit. Late payment is subject to 15% penalty of total dues. RATES owner reserves the right to amend the rates without prior notice. RENTAL EXTENSION: An extension can be requested 12 hours prior to return time. Extension is Php 100/hr at a maximum of 6 hours. Longer than 6 hours extension will be considered as 1 day rent. Failure to request for an extension will be deemed as EXCESS HOURS. The cost of extension will be billed to the RENTER and will have to be settled within 48hrs. Otherwise,owner will pull out the vehicle and charge the RENTER for the excess rent period. EXCESS HOURS: Use of the vehicle beyond the agreed return time specified herein shall be subjected to the EXCESS HOUR rate of Php 150/hr. A fraction of an hour is considered as a full hour. Any delay in the return of the vehicle without any advise whatsoever will be immediately reported as carnapped to Task force Limbas / Anti-Carnapping Group. CANCELLATION: Unused days are non-refundable should RENTER terminate the rental before the agreed rental end time and should renter violate any of the terms and conditions stated. The reservation fee is non- refundable but can be used to re-book another rent within a period of 30 days. MAINTENANCE: For long term rentals, RENTER agrees and will coordinate the best time for them to let Owner pull out the rented vehicle and bring it in for preventive maintenance. DRIVER'S LICENSE Renter must possess a valid driver’s license which must have been held for at least two (2) years. A foreign driver’s license is valid for a maximum of 90 days from the date of arrival in the Philippines. An international driving permit (IDP) will be required of a renter holding a non - English license. IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENT LOCAL RENTER - Valid driver's license and two (2) Identification Card with picture and proof of billing named under the renter. FOREIGN RENTER – Valid Passport, valid driver's license / International Driving Permit (IDP), Passport & any Identification Card with picture and a proof of stay in the country. INDEMNITY Regardless of insurance coverage, Renter shall fully indemnify the Owner for any loss, damage, and legal actions, including reasonable attorney’s fees that Owner suffers due to Renter’s use of Vehicle during the term of this Agreement, including but not limited to, damage to the Vehicle, damage to the property of others, injury to Renter, and injury to others. This provision survives the termination of this Agreement. OWNER WARRANTY The Owner represents that to the best of his knowledge and belief that the Vehicle is in sound and safe condition and free of any known faults or defects that would affect its safe operation under normal use. RENTER WARRANTIES The Renter agrees that Renter will not (a) use the Vehicle to carry any passengers other than Renter; (b) allow any other person to operate the Vehicle; (c) operate the Vehicle in violation of any laws or for an illegal purpose and that if Renter does, Renter is responsible for all associated, tickets, fines, and fees; (d) use the Vehicle to push or tow another vehicle; (e) use the Vehicle for any race or competition; (f) operate the vehicle in a negligent manner. ARBITRATION In the event that the Parties cannot amicably resolve a dispute or damage claim resulting from this Agreement, the Parties agree to resolve any such dispute or damage claim by arbitration. The arbitration proceeding shall be conducted in Makati City in accordance with the r ules of the Philippine Institute of Arbitrators then in effect with one (1) arbitrator to be selected by mutual agreement of the Parties. If the Parties cannot agree on an arbitrator, then the Philippine Institute of Arbitrators shall select an arbitrator from the National Panel of Arbitrators. The laws of the Republic of the Philippines shall apply to the arbitration proceedings. The Parties agree that the arbitrator cannot award punitive damages to either Party and agree to be bound by the arbitrator’s findings. Judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. DISPUTES AND GOVERNING LAW The laws of the Republic of the Philippines without regard to any conflict of law principles govern this Agreement. No action, arising out of the transactions under this Agreement may be brought by either Party more than one year after the cause of action has accrued. GENERAL This Agreement, including all Exhibit(s), constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties in connection with the subject matter hereof and supersedes all agreements, proposals, representations and other understandings, oral or written, of the Parties and any current or subsequent purchase order(s) provided by Affiliate. No alteration or modification of this Agreement or any Exhibits shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by an authorized Affiliate of each Party. The waiver by either Party of a breach of any provision of the Agreement shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach and any waiver must be in writing and signed by an authorized Affiliate of the Parties hereto. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. Any notice or other communication required or permitted hereunder shall be given in writing to the other Party at the address stated above, or at such other address as shall be given by either Party to the other in writing. Any terms of this Agreement which by their nature extend beyond its termination remain in effect until fulfilled, and apply to respective successors and rightful assignees.
Note: Foreign driving licenses are valid in most countries including the Philippines for the next 90 days after arrival. After 90 days foreign driving license is required to be converted to the local standard. Remember that if you are planning a long trip!

Price rates

7 days (10% off)₱12,600
28 days (25% off)₱42,000
Price per extra km₱8
Minimum rental period1 day

Mid term discount 10%
Long term discount 25%

Available payment methods
  • visa_mastercard
  • gcash
  • grabpay
  • paypal


You can optionally choose the following specials when booking
Vehicle driver Available


This vehicle is covered by next insurances:

  • Third Party (TPL or CTPL)

Insurance details:

Contact the owner for more details


Emergency room expanses coverage.

Book2Wheel now offers Emergency assistance of ₱5,000 on each rental.


  • NO SMOKING pls!

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