5 seats
59000 km

Ford Fiesta 2013


Automatic, Fuel Efficient, Impressive steering and handling ⋅ Feels like sports car responsive and nimble

Extras offered by the owner

If you need more details about extras (e.g. delivery) please speak to the owner.

Vehicle owner

Edred Cabrera
Edred Cabrera
  • Offline
  • 75% of bookings accepted
  • Response time 2 hours
  • 1 ratings in total

Pick-up location

Note: You will get the exact address once the booking is accepted by the owner.

Rental requirements

Driver license categories
B (passenger cars)
Valid Driving License Cash Payment Security Deposit Canceled before owner approval (GCash, GrabPay) In case if the booking was cancelled by You before owner approval, you will NOT receive a refund of funds paid online. Refund will be only issued when the booking is cancelled by the Owner, or the booking did not receive any owner action within two days. Canceled before owner approval (Credit/Debit card, Paypal) In case if the booking was cancelled (either by You or the Owner) before the approval, or the Owner did not accept the booking within two days, You will receive full refund of funds paid online. Cancelation Policy Canceled after owner approval If an accepted booking was cancelled by the Owner, You will receive full refund of funds paid online. If an accepted booking was cancelled by You, the following rules and fees apply: More than 72 hours before the rental begins No fee Less than 72 hours before the rental begins Price paid online Early return If you return the vehicle earlier than your booking end date. You are charged full rental price.
Note: Foreign driving licenses are valid in most countries including the Philippines for the next 90 days after arrival. After 90 days foreign driving license is required to be converted to the local standard. Remember that if you are planning a long trip!

Price rates

7 days (5% off)₱13,234
28 days (5% off)₱52,934
Price per extra km₱8
Minimum rental period1 day

Mid term discount 5%
Long term discount 5%

Available payment methods
  • visa_mastercard
  • gcash
  • grabpay
  • paypal


This vehicle is covered by next insurances:

  • Third Party (TPL or CTPL)

Insurance details:

Driving within Metro Manila Not for racing


Emergency room expanses coverage.

Book2Wheel now offers Emergency assistance of ₱5,000 on each rental.

Latest ratings





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