

7 seats

1500 km
Daihatsu Xenia R 1.3 2024
Disewakan Harian, Mingguan dan Bulanan Daihatsu Xenia New Model, Type R, 1.3, Matic, 7 Penumpang, Syarat mudah, Cukup foto KTP dan SIM A, mobil diasuransikan. Gratis Emergency Service 24 Jam. Untuk Warga negara asing hanya khusus bagi negara ASEAN dengan syarat Foto Passport dan Surat Ijin Mengemudi dari Negara. For daily, weekly and monthly rental, Free 24 Hour Emergency Service. For foreign citizens only specifically for ASEAN countries with the requirement of a passport photo and driving license from the country.
Extras offered by the owner

If you need more details about extras (e.g. delivery) please speak to the owner.

Air conditioning


Parking sensor
Vehicle owner
Pick-up location
Jalan Tembesi Center, Kecamatan Batu Aji

Note: You will get the exact address once the booking is accepted by the owner.
Rental requirements
Driver license categories
B (passenger cars)
Usia minimal untuk penyewa adalah 17 Tahun dan memiliki surat ijin mengemudi.
The minimum age for renters is 17 years and have a driving license.
Note: Foreign driving licenses are valid in most countries including the Philippines for the next 90 days after arrival. After 90 days foreign driving license is required to be converted to the local standard. Remember that if you are planning a long trip!
Price rates
DailyIDR 400,000
7 days (5% off)IDR 2,660,000
28 days (10% off)IDR 10,080,000
Price per extra kmIDR 1,667
Minimum rental period1 day
Mid term discount 5%
Long term discount 10%
Available payment methods
This vehicle is covered by next insurances:
- Third Party (TPL or CTPL)
- comprehensive
Insurance details:
Biaya Klaim kecelakaan dikenakan biaya Rp500.000;
Accident claim costs are IDR 500,000;

Emergency room expanses coverage.
Book2Wheel now offers Emergency assistance of ₱5,000 on each rental.
- Pets
- Drunk while driving
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