Rent motorcycle & car at Manila airport

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Motorbike rental locations

Good to know

Best rental owner

Best rental owner

Most popular type


Good deals

₱450 / day


  • You can rent a scooter or a motorcycle near Manila airport for 450 pesos. Which is around 8$. Then you can ask the owner to deliver the motorcycle to the airport. That will save you a lot of time and money on taking a taxi in Manila
  • Some owners charge 300 pesos some charge 600 pesos. You can scan the motorbike which is near the Manila airport and chat with the owner before you make a booking.
  • It is around 2000 pesos. The owner can also deliver the car at the airport at an extra charge. If you rent for the long term the price goes down.
  • Yes, some owners allow you to do that. You just need to contact the owner beforehand.
  • Yes, you can do that through

Manila airport
