Best car rental service in Cebu city-Rent a car from 899 pesos

Rent a car and motorcycle in Cebu city-Pick up and return at Mactan airport

Affordable car rental service in Cebu Philippines

Car rental locations in Cebu City

Good to know

Best rental owner

Best rental owner
Elsa Quiñanola5

Most popular type


Good deals

₱1,400 / day


  • On Book2wheel you can rent a car from private owners and car rental companies. Most car rental services in Cebu are listed on
  • Yes, it will cost you between $4 to $8. You can rent a car at Mactan airport upon your arrival.
  • Yes, you have both options. You can rent a car in Cebu with or without a driver.
  • Yes, you can chat with the car owner before you rent. Ask them about their insurance and rental requirement. Most rental companies in Cebu do have car insurance.
  • A small 5 seater car on average is rented for $24 in Cebu city. Most car rentals are located near the Mactan airport. They can bring you the car at the airport
  • It depends on the car, a small economic car 5 seater cost $20 per day.
  • It depends on the car, a small economic car 5 seater cost $20 roller per day.

Mactan airport

Additional information

Book2wheel offers affordable car rentals in Cebu. You can rent a car in Cebu at a very competitive price. When you make an online booking, you even have the option to have the car delivered to Mactan Cebu Airport. Car rentals at the airport can be quite expensive and may require a deposit of up to $1000. In contrast, on Book2wheel, you can rent some cars without a deposit or with just a $50 deposit