Cheap car rentals In a Bali

Super cheap car rental deals in Bali-Long and short term car rental offers

Most searched motorbikes in Bali

Motorbike rental locations

Good to know

Best rental owner

Best rental owner
Bali Transport0

Most popular type


Good deals

IDR 70,000 / day


  • You can find all motorcycle rental shops and private owners who are renting out their motorcycles in Bali using the book2wheel search engine.
  • Yes, to rent a motorcycle in Bali Indonesia you must have a driving license. Before you travel to Asia get your international driving license. In Bali, they will ask you about your local driving license and international driving license.
  • Bali is quite big. You need to know the location where you are going to stay. Most scooter rentals in Kecamatan Kuta Utara area cost 9 $ to 15 $. This also depends on scooter type and Engine size.
  • You can read this article. Here you can see how you can download an app and pay each month for your motorcycle insurance in Indonesia.
  • It is about 13 km to the north Kuta and 4.4 km to Kuta

Bali international airport